Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Memory-Of Shall Not Be Confused With Remembering

This receipt-driven generation of germs,
Dabble in existence,
One amoebic toe in the tidepool,
With anxious step towards the spot;
Where angle-ness is present.
The it spot.
Where the light bestows import to the forgettable.
The son of the sun dances into frame,
Singing "Meaning is gleaned from the beaming and nothing more."
Before the clouds can intercede,
The wind whispers:
The frame around the scene cracks,
Damming the river to catch the silvery Pisces:
Ripped from the reel before its time.
Aired out into a carbon copy of a timeless time,
Interrupted and removed from the time - line:
See : 'Never Happened'.
Better than an original,
Memories come in plastic:
Spill-proof and shareable.
Conveniently squareable,
Derived meaning crowdsource-able,
With impressions unremarkable,
Methuselah shouts "Laughable",
For the Timeless,
Remembering is impossible.

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